Hospistock – Purchasing group coordinators feedback
3 coordinators of the Hospital Purchasing Group were kind enough to give us their Feedback on Hospistock, a platform for managing tensions and stock-outs, which they use on a daily basis.
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Hospiville – 2022 brochure
Discover HospiVille by taking a look at the brochure containing the tools and the little extras of the platform as well as testimonials from pharmacists : PLAQUETTE HOSPIVILLE 2022
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Hospistock – video
The Hospistock platform and its functions in 2 minutes flat :
You can also take a look at the Hospistock brochure gathering the tools and extras of the platform as well as testimonials from healthcare professionals : PLAQUETTE HOSPISTOCK 2022
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Hospiville – Medication Reconciliation Tuesdays
MaPUI Labs, publisher of the Hospiville medication conciliation platform, and the CNEH – National Center for Hospital Expertise join forces to launch “Medication Conciliation Tuesdays”.
4 distance training sessions of 2 hours to acquire the methodological foundations of medication reconciliation, and to successfully put it into practice in your healthcare establishment with feedback from three practitioners.
Hospital pharmacists, hospital pharmacy technicians, healthcare executives and nurses, this training program is for you!
Learn more about the training by following this link : https://www.mapui.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/MaPUI-Programme.pdf
Register on Tuesday September 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2021 via the CNEH website : https://www.cneh.fr/nos-evenements/les-evenements-du-mardi/la-conciliation-medicamenteuse-dans-votre-etablissement-de-sante/
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MaPUI – HospiStock – Steering committee
The transmission and content of information about a drug shortage from a pharmaceutical laboratory to a hospital pharmacy are not standardized. The transmission methods are heterogeneous: fax, mail, Excel table, etc. and the information may be partial. In the absence of a standard, the increase in shortages has resulted in significant costs of processing this data by pharmacies for internal use and their purchasing groups.
In 2019, to respond to the challenge and improve the situation, the startup MaPUI Labs developed and deployed a first version (V1.0) of a module dedicated to processing information on drug shortage within hospital pharmacy and purchasing groups.
In 2020, in partnership with several groups, we are launching the “MaPUI – HospiStock” project, the objective is to co-develop, test, deploy and evaluate a version V2.0 of the drug shortage management module on the platform www.MaPUI.fr taking into account the needs in terms of:
- quality of the data to be provided on supply disruptions by the hospital pharmacies coordinators and members of purchasing groups,
- process of informing of a supply disruption between hospital pharmacies members of a purchasing group,
- quality of the data to be provided on supply disruptions by a pharmaceutical laboratory,
- process of informing of a supply disruption between hospital pharmacies and pharmaceutical laboratories.
- AND based on national standards and national and European recommendations.
The estimated duration of the project will be 6 months from 10/30/2020.
Project partners :
- Groupement Garonne (GCS Achats en Santé d’Occitanie)
- Groupement Armor
- Groupement Hauts de France
- Groupement d’achat GAULoYS (Loire, Yonne et Saône)
- Groupement régional Bretagne
Find the HospiStock Solution page below :
Plus d’information HOSPISTOCKDécouvrir le projet

Hospiville – The city-hospital link in action with the Partage GHT49 experiment
The PARTAGE GHT 49 experiment aims to coordinate the pharmaceutical care pathway for patients by setting up a secure transmission of drug information between the pharmacies of the department and the hospital pharmacists of the GHT (Territorial Hospital Groups).
This requires the use of a common tool, Hospiville, a digital health platform developed by MaPUI Labs, for pharmacists.
Discover, in practice, the Partage GHT49 experiment and the use of Hospiville, through the testimonies of Mathieu Corvaisier from the University Hospital of Angers, and the one of Lucie Carrillo, and Elise Tritsch from the Rive Sud pharmacy in Murs-Érigné.
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Hospiville – Conparmed, for the medication reconciliation
CONPARMED is a project aiming to guarantee the CONtinuity of the MEDICINE care course of the old patient via a territorial approach of clinical pharmacy.
This study, started in 2018 and completed in December 2019, aimed to assess the impact of patient discharge medication reconciliation on the rehospitalization rate linked to an adverse drug event during the 30 days following their return home. In addition to the development of conciliation in the territory of the GHT, the CONPARMED project has been the subject of several evaluations. Through the “Eval CONPARMED Haute-Bretagne” study, the clinical and medico-economic impact of medication reconciliation was measured on 470 patients aged 65 or over, hospitalized in one of the 12 departments.
The main objective was to quantify the rate of unscheduled readmissions and unscheduled emergency room visits related to an adverse drug event (ADE) during the 30 days following their return home.
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MaPui – A deployment throughout France
The mapui.fr’s web platform selected by the Ministry of Health (DGOS) as the digital platform to be used by health establishments in the French territory to track down the stock and daily use of medicines and medical devices in tension in the context of the COVID-19 pandemics .
As part of the digital projects carried by the public authorities during the period of the COVID-19 pandemics, MaPUI.fr (my Indoor Use Pharmacy) was chosen as the web digital solution to track down both stocks and daily use of specific medicines in tension during the pandemics among every single Hospitals Department of pharmacies.
During the crisis period, objective was for the French Ministry of Health to manage distribution of those specific in tension medicines towards hospitals in order in an accurate way to guarantee optimum care for patients and prevent any shortage.
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Projets numériques portés par la puissance publique
Feuille de route du numérique en santé du Ministère de la Solidarité et de la Santé

Hospiville selected as the web solution for OCTAVE’s project
The aim of the OCTAVE’s project is to develop a coordinated organization in the French territory in order to upstream and downstream a patient’s hospitalization journey and prevent errors and adverse drug reactions in the elderly. This project would be based on HospiVille’s web based digital platform.
● Duration 3 years
● Project Holders : URPS Bretagne et Pays de Loire
● Scope of the Experimentation : 10 000 patients
● Geographical scope of the Experimentation : Bretagne and Pays de Loire
● 12 Health Institutes including 2 University Hospital Center, 1 military hospital, 2 clinics, 7 hospital centers involved in the experimental project
● Partners, URPS Doctors of Brittany, UPRS Nurses of Pays de la Loire, UPRS Chiropractors of Bretagne and Pays de Loire,